来源:http://www.jinluodz.com 作者:金洛鑫电子 2023年09月09
QVS TECH INC已成功提供高品质的变频调速产品超过20年。作为位于卡尔斯巴德的女性拥有的小型企业总部,QVS TECH INC已经建立了为客户提供优质服务和快速交货的声誉。
多年来,QVS TECH INC与我们的ISO9001认证离岸制造工厂建立了牢固的关系。这确保了我们能够始终如一地为客户提供最高质量的产品和业内最短的交货时间。
QVS TECH INC提供各种标准和定制频率的石英晶体谐振器,时钟振荡器,VCXO, TCXO和OCXO。这使我们能够为广泛的应用和市场提供频率控制解决方案,包括电信,测试和仪器仪表,医疗和航空航天。我们的工程师随时准备回答您的问题,并为您的应用程序提供设计协助。
正如我们的名字所示,我们的核心原则“质量、价值、服务”将不断引领我们走向更高的卓越水平。通过结合一流的制造设施,专门从事晶体和振荡器领域的管理专业知识,非常广泛的产品线以及卓越的服务和支持水平,QVS TECH正在发展成为频率控制行业的领导者。联系我们,看看我们的表现如何!

QVS TECH INC has been successfully supplying high quality Frequency Control Products for over 20 years. As a Women Owned Small Business headquarters in Carlsbad CA, QVS TECH INC has established a reputation of providing superior service to our customers and quick deliveries.
Through the years, QVS TECH INC has established strong relationships with our ISO9001 certified off-shore manufacturing facilities. This insures that we are able to consistently provide our customers with the highest quality products and some of the shortest lead times in the industry.
QVS TECH INC offers a wide range of QVS crystals, clock oscillators, VCXO’s, TCXO’s and OCXO’s in both standard and custom frequencies. This allows us to provide frequency control solutions for a broad range of applications and markets that include Telecommunications, Test and Instrumentation, Medical and Aerospace. Our engineers and ready to answer your questions as well as provide design assistance for your applications.
As our name suggests, our core principals of “Quality, Value, and Service” will continually lead us to higher levels of excellence. By combining top-notch manufacturing facilities, management expertise specializing in the crystal and oscillator arena, a very broad product line offering and superior levels of service and support, QVS TECH is developing into a leader in the frequency control industry. Contact us and see how we perform!
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